Pôpafriends WINE & CLUB
Wine & Club
“It’s no exaggeration to want to get to know all the people who drink our wines; to treat them like friends, not customers. The PôpaFRIENDS are a real community, full of sharing.” by NetosDoPôpa
Did you know that the PôpaFRIENDS community is now a WINE CLUB that keeps the sharing but adds OPPORTUNITIES reserved for its members?
TOAST AT HOME WITH POPPY AND CIRCUMSTANCE: news, events and exclusive packs, delivered at home.
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“It’s no exaggeration to want to get to know all the people who drink our wines; to treat them like friends, not customers. The PôpaFRIENDS are a real community, full of sharing.” by NetosDoPôpa
Did you know that the PôpaFRIENDS community is now a WINE CLUB that keeps the sharing but adds OPPORTUNITIES reserved for its members?
TOAST AT HOME WITH POPPY AND CIRCUMSTANCE: news, events and exclusive packs, delivered at home.
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